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Policie České republiky – Služba cizinecké policie


Uniform Schengen Visas


Extension of the period of validity of a short-stay visa

     An application for extension of the duration of stay in the Territory on the basis of an issued short-stay visa shall be submitted to the Police – Alien Police Department within Regional Police Directorate having territorial competency according to the reported place of residence, specifically Oddělení pobytových agend (Residence administration unit).
     The above mentioned application shall be handled by the policewithin 7 days from the date of submission. This application shall be submitted on the form Application for Schengen Visa. This form is available in Alien Police Department within any Regional Police Directorate as well as on the website of the Directorate of Alien Police Service.  
When applying for extension of the period of validity of a short-stay visa, the applicant is obliged to present the following supporting documents:
  • travel document; 
  • a document confirming the purpose of the applicant's stay which is understood as proof of force majeure or humanitarian reasons preventing the applicant from leaving the Territory before the expiry of the period of validity of or the duration of stay authorized by the visa; or
  • a document confirming the purpose of the applicant's stay which is understood as proof of serious personal reasons justifying the extension of the period of validity or the duration of stay;
  • funds to cover the costs of the applicant's stay or a certified letter of invitation;
  • proof of accommodation for the applicant's stay in the Territory or a certified letter of invitation;
  • proof of travel medical insurance for the period of the applicant's stay in the Territory; this is not applicable if the applicant is a holder of medical insurance policy pursuant to the Act No 48/1997 Coll., on Public Medical Insurance, as amended, or if he/she proves that the coverage of the costs of health care is secured in another manner.

     The period of validity and/or the duration of stay of an issued visa shall be extended where the competent authority of a member state considers that a visa holder has provided proof of force majeure or humanitarian reasons preventing him/her from leaving the Territory before the expiry of the period of validity of or the duration of stay authorized by the visa. Such an extension shall be granted free of charge.
     The period of validity and/or the duration of stay of an issued visa may be extended if the visa holder provides proof of serious personal reasons justifying the extension of the period of validity or the duration of stay. A fee of 30 EUR shall be charged for such an extension; this shall be paid in form of a fee stamp for the police cannot receive it in cash.
      The above mentioned extension cannot exceed a period of 90 days of the stay in the Territory from the date of the alien's first entry on the basis of the issued visa.
     Unless otherwise decided by the authority extending the visa, the territorial validity of the extended visa shall remain the same as that one of the original visa. Extension of visas shall take the form of a visa sticker.


Proof of accommodation
     Proof of accommodation provided for the period of the alien's temporary stay in the Territory (hereinafter referred to as „proof of accommodation“) is understood to be:  
a) a document confirming that the alien is owner of a flat or house; or a document confirming the legitimacy of using a flat or house; or a written confirmation issued by the person who is the owner or authorized user of a flat or house with his/her officially authenticated signature, by means of which the alien is given consent with accommodation. Accommodation can be only provided in a building which is, pursuant to a special legal provision, marked with an identification or registration number (possibly with an orientation number) and which is, pursuant to the Building Act, designated for housing, accommodation or individual recreation. If the written confirmation of consent to accommodation, according to the first sentence of this paragraph, is provided in electronic form, it must contain a guaranteed electronic signature based on a qualified certificate issued by an accredited provider of certification services; this is not applicable if the confirmation is delivered by means of a data box; 
b) a copy of a certified letter of invitation
     If the proof of accommodation is older than 180 days, the applicant shall submit a confirmation issued by the person providing accommodation that the contractual relationship is still ongoing.  

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